Sunday, July 4, 2010

Is it ok to hit an Old Lady?

I know the answer to this question already, No. I tell you though, the devil is everywhere and I believe I met his evil ass today in church. I have recently decided to start going back to church after about a six year hiatus. Since my Dad died I just haven't had the heart to go to church. I know that doesn't give me any right to turn my back on fellowship with the Lord but hey, i'm a heathen. Well last week I went to a church close to my home and it was alright even though they gave a twenty minute lecture on tithing and actually told us that offerings of anything less than ten dollars wasn't enough. That's nothing though compared to a church I attended once where the pastor said that one dime of each dollar we give goes to the Lord, the implication being that the other ninety cent's goes to him, huh.

Anyway....I decided to go back to last weeks church since I was running late and was seated by a very nice usher. She seated me next to an older lady that resembled a head off of a Totem Pole. To each his own but she actually had her hair plaited and sticking out in every direction like she'd been shocked. Made me laugh...

Well, she had her keys in the seat that I was given to sit in and she just stared at the usher and I like we were asking her to give up her seat. I just wanted to take her keys seat. She finally took the keys and threw them on the ground in front of her (I didn't see her do this, I thought she held on to them). So a few minutes later I see these keys on the ground and they look identical to mine so I pick them up thinking I dropped them. That is when she slaps my hand and says "Since you took my seat, the keys stay on the ground". I thought she was joking but realized they were not mine and apologized. Next, she jabs me in the side with her bony little elbow and asks me if i'm asleep during the sermon since my head is down. I have locs that cover my eyes but the fact that my fingers were scanning a bible verse should have tipped her off that I was reading. I told her I was reading and she told me that I need to stop reading and pay attention to the minister. It went on like this for about an hour before she bolted out of there after asking me if I was saved.

I am a tactful person so I would never try to be overtly rude and I know when to just let stuff go but I can't decide whether or not I feel like a punk for letting someone talk to me like that or if I was just following my parents advice and just letting her be miserable. I would like to pretend that I'm just a good, respectful person but no...I feel like a punk. I wanted to tell her to back the hell off or just get up and move to another seat. My sister told me it was just the devil trying to distract me from the Pastor's Message. I don't know but it just made me feel crummy. Why are people like that, especially in church. I'm not used to being treated like that in church. My Dad was my Pastor and I was used to being babied so maybe I need to just grow a backbone and shut up. I gotta say though, if I see her in the street, It's on!

1 comment:

Kingsmomma said...

i definitelty think you did the right thing. In hindsight you should most definitely know that was the devil in the flesh. Take a hiatus from church only to encounter that?